Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New Life

It's always so easy, it seems, to make at least ONE new year's resolution.

However, because the new year so closely follows the last of the old, and all of the excess that goes along with it, it seems that 9 out of 10 resolutions deal with not excessing anymore . . . particularly eating so damn much.

I'm dedicating this blog to spreading the word about ways, particularly as we all age . . . to stay healthy. We accumulate a TON of toxins in the normal course of just growing older. If in addition, we have some habits, tastes or indulgences that put more than the average amount of crap into our bodies, that toxicity can creep up exponentially.

There are ways to fight this, and even reverse toxicity to a large degree . . . without having to kill yourself with weird-ass diets or kick-your-ass workout programs.

Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to being in service in 2011 . . . to help myself, and to help others like me . . . who aren't getting any younger, who haven't exactly been poster children for the non-toxic life, and who need to get healthy again.

So let's do this together. I think we all need as many friends as we can muster to get this thing done.  Stay in touch, and I am knowing that we'll share some amazing stories along the way . . .

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to you Jim! What a great path to follow, I look forward to seeing/hearing your progress!
