About Me

Bartlett, IL, United States
I've always had a problem keeping weight off. Now, after many years of frustration, fad diets and not enough exercise - I'm beginning to discover that maybe the most that has come out of all those years of frustration is a lot of wasted time and energy. 
I'm discovering, and better late than never, that toxins . . . in the air, and ingested in the foods we eat . . . can accumulate so much over the long term that they can actually shut our metabolism down. 
And I mean shut it down. To the degree that no matter what diet or exercise regime we choose to follow - the results become increasingly minimal, and increasingly subject to quick reversal.
And so has begun my journey to detoxing the one thing I can't buy or replace . . . my body . . . by both cleansing it, and feeding it high-impact nutrients to repair a lot of long-term damage.
I'll be talking here about how that toxicity happens, and most importantly . . . what you can do to fix it. Along the way, I'll share some pretty amazing stories about people who are making these simple lifestyle changes and getting some pretty incredible results. It begins with understanding. It lives on through commitment.

Please join me. If you have these same issues going on in your life now, I believe you'll be glad you did.